WASHINGTON, DC – As hit Showtime offering “Yellowjackets” rolls through its hotly-anticipated third season, fans are hoping for some resolution to the mystery of “Wait, who’s THAT?”.
The series, which follows both the teenaged and adult exploits of members of a New Jersey soccer team whose plane crashed in the Canadian wilderness, has been the subject of great debate among a rabid fan base, hoping to answer the multitude of questions it has raised so far.
“Besides our great cast, one of the true virtues of Yellowjackets has been its ability to pique fans’ curiosity with countless mysteries to solve,” said Showtime director of programming Charlotte Taylor. “We love seeing all of their excited chatter online like ‘I think I’ve figured out the identity of the pit girl is!’ or ‘What if Shauna is the Antler Queen?” and, of course, the most common of all ‘Okay, that girl has definitely never been on the show before'”.
Moderator of a Reddit forum on the series, Ben Martinez agrees. “People can’t get enough! We’ve got threads full of people asking ‘Who the hell was that?’, ‘Would it be so terrible to reuse an extra?’ and ‘Did they recast the part or just change her hair?'”.
However, while most fans are enjoying the the show’s player-identity conundrums, others, like Travis Palmer, are finding themselves more frustrated. “I swear I’m being gaslit”, he exclaims. “Every time I think I’ve figured out who every Yellowjacket is, they throw me another loop. Am I crazy or was there never a ‘Crystal’ on that damned plane?! And what, did the just leave out half of the players from the team photo? How many people are on this soccer team?!”.
“I mean, is any of this real? Am I in ‘The Wilderness’, too?”
Still, despite the annoyance, it hasn’t dampened the ability of the series’s supporters to find enjoyment, as Martinez explained, “Even if the puzzles can be pretty overwhelming sometimes, one thing we know for sure is that Mari’s the worst”.