Tag: United Kingdom

Palestinian activists accused of anti-Semitism by Western countries that invented it

WASHINGTON, DC - With protests against actions by Israeli forces in Gaza dominating headlines, political leaders in the United States and Europe are condemning...

FROM THE ARCHIVES: British Press awash in gossip on whereabouts of Queen Victoria

LONDON - Editor's note: In a celebration of our past, we like to periodically share an article from our archives. The following was first...

Cancer cells cause pain and suffering by stealing resources and territory from cells that were there first

LONDON - With multiple members of the British Royal Family having revealed that they are dealing with a cancer diagnosis, many individuals are seeking...

UK concerned that returning artifacts will expose just how lame their country is

LONDON - Prime Minister Rishi Sunak bristled, today, at the suggestion that many nations, particularly colonial powers, should repatriate artifacts acquired from other nations,...


Proprietor of overbooked bovine fecal matter collection agency doesn’t have time for your bullshit

KELOWNA - Cindy MacIsaac, owner of MacIsaac's Bovine Dung...

Moron still thinks George RR Martin is working on ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’

MEDICINE HAT - As the second season of of...

Nation can’t decide if it’s sick of Ryan Reynolds

OTTAWA - As Canada deals with a litany of...

Netanyahu thanks Hamas for kidnapping so many pretty girls

TEL AVIV - In what some are viewing as...