
Liberal hockey fan insists he never liked Gretzky

HALIFAX - In the midst of Wayne Gretzky facing intense criticism in his home country for his cozy relationship with American President Donald Trump,...

CBRM councillors’ expense charges mostly just pints at The Legion

CAPE BRETON REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY - With former mayor Amanda McDougall having paid back over $17 000 in charges to her CBRM credit card, other...

Dave Cameron called before Parliament to answer for his crimes

OTTAWA - In a rare move, MPs from all political parties unanimously agreed to call National Junior Hockey Team head coach Dave Cameron to...

Houston apologises for inappropriate comments about Province’s “beautiful downtowns”

HALIFAX - A throng of reporters gathered at 1726 Hollis, today, as Tim Houston faced a furor following allegations that he had directed multiple...

Sarah McLachlan cancels tour after learning one of the shows was in Halifax

VANCOUVER - Renowned Canadian songstress Sarah McLachlan has cancelled her upcoming "Fumbling Towards Ecstasy" tour after discovering that one of the performances was scheduled...
