With end of EPL season, soccer fans struggle to go back to pronouncing “premier” the Canadian way


OTTAWA – With the final matches now played, Canadian fans of the English Premier League are finding difficulty returning to their usual pronunciation of the word “premier”.

“It’s rough,” said Arsenal supporter Steve Fotheringham, of New Westminster. “When you talk about the EPL, it just feels wrong to use the Canadian pronunciation for things and, after 10 months of listening to Peter Drury or Rob Hawthorne say ‘prem-yeer’, suddenly switching up to ‘pree-myeer’ or ‘pre-meer’ becomes quite a chore”.

President of the official Liverpool Supports Club of Regina, Karanveer Sidhu, agrees. “I know some people like to mock it as pretentious when Canadian fans use Englishisms, but if we try to maintain our Cana-speak something just feels.. dirty. So, from the Community Shield to Champions League final, it’s all dropped ars for me. One year I thought I’d find a middle ground and went with more of a Welsh vibe, but I guess I sounded like I was from Cardiff and some guys from Swansea beat the crap out of me”.

Added Mr. Fotheringham, “It’s gotten difficult enough that I just gave up with the ‘soccer’ stuff altogether, and have permanently switched to calling it ‘football’. All of my friends roll their eyes at me, but I’m dead chuffed with my decision”.

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